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Thursday, March 25, 2021

Offshore oil gas jackup drill rig-GSP Uranus

Marathon LT Class 116-C IC Jackup Rig Info/Jobs.


Rig Name:       GSP Uranus

Owner:            Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A. (GSP)

Manager:         Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A. (GSP)

Rig Type:        Jackup

Sub Type:       Independent Leg Cantilever

Jackup Type: Standard

Max Water Depth (ft):  335

Max Drill Depth (ft):    25,000

Dimensions (ft):          243 x 200 x 26

Leg Length (ft):           443

Competitive:                Yes


Current Location:

Country:          Romania

Region:            Eastern Europe


Drilling Equipment:

Drawworks Type:       National Oilwell Varco E-3000

Drawworks HP:          2,000

Mud Pumps Type:      National Oilwell Varco A-1700-PT Triplex

Top Drive:       National Oilwell Varco TDS-4S

Hookload Capacity (lbs): 1,000,000


Rig Construction Details:

Rig Design:     LeTourneau

Rig Model:       116-C

Year Built:       1980

Country of Build:         Singapore

Yard Name:    Marathon - Singapore Shipyard

Group Yard Name:     Marathon LeTourneau Offshore


Rig Contract Details:

Operating Status: Ready Stacked

Operator:               ----

On Oct 01, 2020, Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A. (GSP) has signed a contract for its jackup rig GSP Uranus by operator Black Sea Oil & Gas (BSOG) for its project in Romania. Campaign will last seven to eight months. The contract would start from December last 2020 and run until July last 2021.The duration of contract is 217 days and the estimated dayrate for the contract is US $ 75 000.

On September 30, 2020, Black Sea Oil & Gas (BSOG), owned by investment fund Carlyle International Energy Partners and The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, implements during June 2019 – September 2021 the first gas production project in the Romanian continental shelf of the Black Sea built after 1989 in Romania – Midia Gas Development Project (MGD).

On September 17, 2020, BSOG and GSP Offshore announced the start of the stage of laying the pipelines of over 120 kilometers that will carry gas to Romania and cover 10% of the country’s consumption needs.

The Midia Gas Development Project (MGD Project) comprises the Ana and Doina gas fields (320 Bcf P50 contingent resources) which were discovered in 2007 and 1995 respectively. Both are of latest Miocene to Dacian age, shallow marine sandstone (shore face) reservoirs, some 120 km offshore Romania, in the XV Midia Shallow area where the water depths are of 70 meters.

Midia Gas Development Project consists of 5 production wells (1 subsea well at Doina field and 4 platform wells at Ana field) a subsea gas production system over the Doina well which will be connected through an 18 km pipeline with a new unmanned production platform located over Ana field. A 121 km subsea pipeline will ensure the delivery of the gas from Ana platform to the shore, where a 4.1 km underground pipeline will connect to the new gas treatment plant (GTP). The processed gas will be delivered into the NTS operated by Transgaz at the gas metering station to be found within the GTP.

By the end of 2018, BSOG has completed the necessary offshore activities including the drilling of the appraisal wells, the pipeline route and platform surveys, onshore activities including archaeological surveys and route surveys as well as the engineering studies including the conceptual Engineering and Front-End Engineering and Design. BSOG has also secured a long-term gas sales agreement with a Romanian subsidiary of ENGIE for the entire MGD Project gas production, reduced by the volumes that the producers are currently obliged to sell on the centralized market and a gas transmission contract with Transgaz for a contractual period of 15 years. The entire project infrastructure, including all offshore and onshore facilities, has been contracted to be built, installed and commissioned under an EPCIC Contract with GSP Offshore. The development drilling of the five production wells will also be performed by GSP for which GSP Uranus jack-up rig will deployed.

In February 2019, BSOG’s partners and shareholders have taken the Final Investment Decision in the MGD Project. The project will cost roughly USD 400mm and all the contracting activities for this project will have, in total, Romanian content of 70%. In 2019, BSOG anticipates having completed the detailed engineering for the Midia Gas Development Project, commenced the fabrication of the Ana Wellhead Platform at the shipyard in Agigea, commenced the civil constructions at the GTP site in Corbu and have purchased a number of long lead company items.

Key facts: • 10 billion cubic meters of gas to be extracted; • Production start date: autumn of 2021; • Support for communities in Corbu and Vadu;

In the coastal area, the gas pipeline will be laid by undercrossing (150 meters onshore and 1300 meters offshore). To reduce environmental impact upon crossing the beach area with the gas pipeline, BSOG chose to under-cross the beach using the horizontal directional drilling technology, which will allow drilling and laying under the beach, so as to contribute to preserving the natural landscape and ecological balance in the work area.

Horizontal directional drilling will be performed from shore to sea, the pipeline being laid being pulled by the ship at seas, through the drilled hole. The perimeter of the site for the drilling equipment will have reduced sizes, of approximately 25×40 meters, and will be placed on a land plot owned by the company, at a distance of 150 meters from the shoreline, respectively approximately 90 meters from the limit of the sand area of the beach used by tourists. All private lands necessary for pipelaying are owned by BSOG.

Key facts: • Conservation of the natural environment; • Reduced duration of works: around 20 days to execute the horizontal directional drilling; • Land owned by BSOG; During works, all measures necessary will be taken to reduce/avoid impact on tourism.

Stages of the project: • June 2019 – September 2021: Construction works at the gas treatment plant and laying of the onshore pipeline; • Quarter IV 2021: Starting the operation of the project;

Main collaborators: The main collaborators within the Midia Gas Development Project are: Transgaz, operator of the national gas transmission system, which will build the pipeline linking the gas treatment plant and the Transit 1 pipeline, with a length of 25 kilometers, by September 2021; and GSP Offshore, main contractor, which will build and commission the entire offshore and onshore infrastructure of the project, by September 2021.

On Jul 10th, 2019, OMV Petrom has contracted the jackup GSP Uranus for a new round of development drilling in the Romanian sector of the Black Sea. The rig will drill two wells on the Lebada-East field in the Istria block, at subsurface depths of more than 2,000 m (6,562 ft), designed to increase production. The GSP Uranus is a cantilever type, Marathon Le Tourneau Class 116-C design rig with a maximum drilling depth of 7,600 m (24,934 ft).

On August 23, 2017, OMV Petrom has started drilling operations in the Black Sea, offshore Romania, using GSP’s Uranus jack-up drilling rig. The news was shared by GSP who said the rig move had begun on August 19th, 17:00, with the jack-up reaching the work location the following day. The rig moving and positioning operations were carried out with the support of AHTS GSP Queen.

Later this year, the rig will go on a contract with Black Sea Oil and Gas, a wholly owned company of Carlyle International Energy Partners.


GENERAL: Rig Type: Three legs, self elevating unit, cantilever type; Design: Marathon LeTourneau Class 116-C; Builder: Marathon LeTourneau Shipyard Singapore; Year Built: 1980/ rebuilt in 2013; Classification: ABS, A-1 Self Elevating drilling Unit; Flag: Vanuatu; Accommodation: 100; Helideck: 70 x 70 ft, rated for Super Puma AS-332 L2 helicopter; Max. Drill Depth: 25,000 ft; Max. Water Depth: 333 ft (101.6 m);

Operating Conditions: Wave 40 ft @ 15 Sec; Wind 70 Knots; Surface Current: 2 knots;

Storm Conditions: Wave 50 ft @ 15 Sec; Wind 100 Kn0ts; Surface Current: 2 knots;

TECHNICAL DIMENSIONS: Length: 243 ft / 74.1 m; Breadth: 200 ft / 61.1 m; Depth: 26 ft / 7.9 m; Ocean Transit Draft: 17 ft / 5.2 m; VDL — Operating: 2,248 mt / 4,956 Kips / 2,478 st; VDL-Storm: 1,567 m / 3,454 Kips / 1,727 st; VDL-Ocean Transit: 1,356 m / 2,990 Kips / 1,495 st;

CAPACITIES: Liquid Mud: 1,630 bbls / 9,147 cu ft / 259 m°; 0il Base Mud: 2,341 bbls / 13,147 cu ft / 372 m^; Brine: 2,540 bbls / 14,264 cu ft / 404 m^; Drill Water: 9,451 bbls / 53,066 cu ft / 1,502 m^; Potable Water: 1,283 bbls / 7,203 cu ft / 204 m^; Fuel 0iI: 2,207 bbls / 12,392 cu ft/ 351 m^; Bulk Mud: 4,050 cu ft / 114 m3; Bulk Cement: 4,050 cu ft / 114 m3; Sack Material: 2,500 Sacks of 50 lbs;

DRILLING EQUIPMENT: Derrick: Dreco x 160 ft x 30 ft x 30 ft; 1,000 kips static hook load; Drawworks: National Oilwell E - 3000, 2,000 HP;
Top Drive: NOV, TDS-4S; Iron Roughneck: Varco ST-80C; Rotary: Better 0iI Tools ZP- 495, 49 ?z in max. opening; Pipe Handling: manual; Mud Pumps: 2 x triplex 1,600 HP each, 5000 PSI WP 1 x triplex 1,600 HP, 6000 PSI WP;

Shale Shakers: 3 x Brandt VSM 300; Desilter & Desander: 1 x Brandt S 16; Mud Cleaner: 1 x Brandt VS-M 300; BOP: 1 x 13 - 5 / 8 in Hydrill 5 K annular, 1 x 13 - 5 / 8 in Cameron U 10 K single, 1 x 13 - 5 / 8 in Cameron U 10 K double;

Diverter: Hydrill 29/z in x 500 psi with 2 x 12 in hydraulic valves; Control System: Koomey T-Series model IT2 EPPRBB 09/03, 3,000 psi; Choke & Kill: 1 x 3 - 1 / 16 in x 10 K choke manifold with 1 x 3 - 1 / 16 in x 10 K remote control choke, 2 x 3 -1 / 16 in x 10 K manual chokes;

Cementing: Schlumberger Cementing Unit (Third Party);

MACHINERY: Main Power: 2 x EMD x 16 - 645 - E 8 x 1,950 HP ea, 1 x EMD x 12 - 645 - E 8 x 1,400 HP; Emergency Power: 1 x Caterpillar 3408, 355 HP; Power Distribution: 5 x Ross-Hill; Deck Cranes: 3 x MLT — PCM 120-AS, 41 mt, 1 x National 0S45, 19 mt;

JACK-UP SPECIFICATIONS: Legs: Square, 3 x 443 ft ; usable below 380 ft; Leg Spacing:
Longitudinal 129 ft; Transverse 142 ft; Spud Cans: 46 ft diameter x 24 ft height; Jacking System: MLT — 375 (rack & pinion); Cantilever / Slot: Cantilever 58 ft x 24 ft;

MOORING EQUIPMENT: Winches: 4 x 50 kips, Le Tourneau W-1500; Wire / Chain: 4 x 2000 ft with 1 ?z" wire; Anchors: 2 x 10 Kips Danforth & 2 x 15 Kips Delta Flipper;

On 16 Jul 2014, OMV Petrom has announced the discovery of a new oil reservoir in the shallow water Istria XVIII permit of the Romanian Black Sea. The Austrian company made the find at the Marina 1 exploration well, located 60 kilometres from shore. The well was drilled to a total depth of 2,150 metres in 50 metres of water at a cost of EUR18 million (USD24.37 million). After completion tests have been carried out, the well will be plugged and abandoned. The well was drilled using the ‘GSP Uranus’ jackup rig, which was moved to the area after initially performing workover operations at the Lebada East oil field. OMV Petrom head of exploration and production Gabriel Selischi said: "The Black Sea is an important area for OMV Petrom, an area which continues to have potential for new discoveries. "Currently, production from shallow waters accounts for 18% of the company’s hydrocarbons production in Romania. "We have over 40 years of experience in exploration and production in the shallow waters of the Black Sea and we will continue to invest in the development of the offshore segment."

On 20 Mar 2014, Grup Servicii Petroliere has signed a new contract with OMV Petrom. The contract refers to offshore drilling and workover operations which will be carried out by GSP Uranus. The rig will operate in the Black Sea offshore Romania under an aggregate duration of two years. On March 20, 14:30 hours, the convoy composed of GSP King, GSP Licorn and two other tug vessels begun the rig moving from GSP Shipyard, in Constanta Sud Agigea Port, heading to the first drilling location offshore. GSP Uranus is a three legs, self elevating unit, cantilever type Marathon Le Tourneau Class 116-C. This is the most recently concluded investment project carried out in order to extend the company’s fleet, respectively the company’s market share. GSP Uranus upgrade and reclassification project, worth over USD 44 million, was completed with the support of EximBank.GSP Uranus upgrade and reclassification project was developed under the management of GSP Shipyard and ABS supervision and included repair works, upgrading works and certification (class and statutory certificates).

Vessel Name:                          GSP Uranus;

Owner:                                    Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A. (GSP);

Rig manager:                          Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A. (GSP);

Type:                                        Jack-up;         

Design category:                     Marathon LeTourneau;          

Full design name:                    Marathon LeTourneau Class 116-C; 


IMO:                                        8750792;        

Class:                                      ABS;   

Constructed at:                       PPL Shipyard;            

Year in SVC:                           1980;  

Latest upgrade:                       ----;     

Competitive:                            Yes;    

SPS due date:                         ----;     


Contract status:                                  

Status:                                     Warm Stacked;  

Operator:                                 Halliburton / Vedanta (Cairn O&G);       

Country:                                  Romania;           

Region:                                    Eastern Europe;

Day rate:                                  ----;                     

Next available:                        31.07.2021;         

Available until:                         ----;                     

Backlog:                                   ----;         

Value: Value ($m):                   ----;          


Contract detail:                                   

Country:                                  Romania;           

Day rate:                                 75 000;   

Start date:                               25.12.2020;                    

End date:                                 30.07.2021;        

Operator:                                 Black Sea Oil & Gas;     

Location:                                 ----;         

Number of wells:                     ----;     

Variable rate:                           ----;     

Water depth:                           ----;     

Work type:                              Development wells;   

Duration (days):                      217;    

Comment:                               Estimated dayrate. Campaign will last 7-8 months.;


Vessel Name: URANUS

Vessel Type - Jack-up Rig

IMO: 8750792

MMSI: 577152000

Call Sign: YJTG9

Flag: Vanuatu [VU]

Gross Tonnage: 6634

Summer DWT: -

Length Overall x Breadth Extreme: 74.09 x 61.11 m

Year Built: 1980

Home Port: Port Vila

Status: Active


Voyage Information: RO CND (CONSTANTA): ATD: 2020-03-04 16:30 LT (UTC +2)---------->---------->---------->RO CND (CONSTANTA): ATA: 2020-04-04 09:06 LT (UTC +3)


Reported ETA: 2021-01-01 15:00 LT (UTC +3)


Reported Destination: CONSTANTA SOUTH AGIG


Draught (Reported/Max): 5 m/----


Speed recorded (Max / Average): ----/---- 


Reported Destination and ETA Received 2020-10-08 11:14 UTC



Position Received: 2020-10-15 12:46 UTC 3 minutes ago

Vessel's Local Time: 2020-10-15 15:46 LT (UTC +3)

Area: BSEA - Black Sea

Current Port: CONSTANTA

Latitude / Longitude: 44.09669° / 28.64795°

Status: Stopped

Speed/Course: 0 kn / 352 °

AIS Source: 5161


Wind: 9 knots

Wind direction: SE (132°)

Air Temperature: 14°C°)

URANUS (IMO: 8750792) is a Platform that was built in 1980 (40 years ago) and is sailing under the flag of Vanuatu.

Her length overall (LOA) is 74.09 meters and her width is 61.11 meters.


Ex Names History:

Flag:    Vessel Name:             Last Reported

----;      D.R.STEWART;         2013-02-01 UTC